Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Terrible Movies?

Watching terrible movies is an art, and I think it should be treated as such. Mystery Science Theatre 3000 did it in such a way that was accessible to the average person. I do think that we (as a species) should gravitate more toward terrible films, instead of ones that have been given praise. "The Wicker Man" is a great example of "So Bad It's Good". Nicolas Cage overacts worse than William Shatner in the original Star Trek, and that on top of a terrible story, makes it the most unintentionally hilarious things on earth. I say this because 1. The girl I have feelings of affection towards, enjoys Nicolas Cage, and 2. I really fucking love this movie. This movie is so fucking bad, I think everyone should watch it. WEEKER MAN: WIF NICOLAS CAAAAAGE AS A DETECTIVE NO ONE CARES ABOUT. 

ALSO: DEMONS or like possessed island-goers. And bees. There are bees in this masterpiece. GO WATCH THIS NOW. - Cecilio

Monday, October 28, 2013

What?! In LOVE?!

YUP! Your buddy, Cecilio, is in love. Goddamn, I have never felt this way beforrrrrrreeee... WOO! God! This is a nice high that I haven't felt in a while. Or ever. 

So yes. There is a GIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLL in my life! There is a downside, since she doesn't actually know that I am harboring these feelings for her. I have been told by very reliable sources that she thinks I am cute, which brings up a question I have to ask. Cute like a teddy bear, or cute like Daniel Radcliffe? There is a difference. One is to hug, and the other is to... copulate. 

But yes, I am in love, and I am feeling pretty damn swell about it! Woohoo! -Ceclio

Day 4


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 3

Neither Eric nor Chris came to the skate thing. Losers. It was pretty fun, and I got my skate on. Pretty SwaguliciousMcYoloPants. I will never say that again. Today I went to a kickass party, which again neither Eric nor Chris showed up for. What dicks! Well, it's not their faults I guess. It's sorta lame-o-ish, but hey! It's chill. So, the only other UPCOMING event is the Halloween Scare-A-Thon, where I get to horrify small children. I'm excited. HOPEFULLY ERIC AND CHRIS WILL BE THERE, IF NOT, I WILL SKIN THEM BOTH! - Cecilio

Friday, October 25, 2013

Day 2

Skating today! Woot woot! Tripping small children! Woot! Woot! Funzies! Eric and Chris should be there, but there's no telling if they will. I'm a little annoyed at them for seemingly severing all contact with me, but hey! Not like I'm holding a grudge! (I am holding a pretty big grudge, and I'm probably going to berate them.) Everything has been going great today, and now I'm sure I'm gonna end the day pretty well! :D See ya! - Cecilio

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 1 (New format I'm trying out. It's easier than coming up with a title for everything)

Well, after giving my poor kitty a well-deserved funeral, I skated off to school. Wonderful day today. Pretty cold. People bitching about it being cold, and me wearing a short sleeve shirt, making fun of all the people bitching about the cold. Quite hilarious, and I enjoyed the hell out of it. I had a decent day, as I had finished preparing my play for the District Competition.

There was something a little weird though. My friend Eric wasn't at school for like the eightieth time in a row. That's not very normal for him. (It was more like tenth time.) Eric is like one of those preppy kids you hear about, always coming to class on time, never missing a day, making A's on tests. Yeah he was preppy, but without all the douchey-ness of preps. ANAL FIST PUNCH. I'm sorry. That was my selective Tourette syndrome. I apologize profusely.

So, to return to my sane train of thought, Eric hasn't been at school, and he's not the kind of guy to miss that much. I haven't even seen him on Steam. And he's the kind of guy, when he finishes his homework to go on, and do nothing but play DOTA 2.
Uh huh. Very preppy. But, yeah, no word from him, and nothing from his brother either. Chris and I go to the same guitar teacher, and so it's odd for him to not talk to me about Eric. Chris has been kind of distant, and hasn't approached me, and all attempts at discussion warrant curt answers. It's kind of annoying, but also very disconcerting. I hope he's alright. Anyway, yeah... also, I recorded a video last night, but due to my crap internet, it wouldn't upload. Possibly expect it tonight, or this morning. - Cecilio 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I uh... wow. Two days and already something noteworthy to write about. Literally about four minutes ago, I uh... 

My cat is dead. Like from a dog or something. Like... fucking shit. I'm frustrated more than sad, because it's my fucking fault I let him outside two hours ago, and now it's fucking dead. Shit, it's uh... it's fucked up. I feel sick, and now I probably won't be able to go to fucking sleep. Fucking fuckity fuck fuck fuck, all my fucking fault. I'm gonna look around where it happened, for like paw prints or some shit. 

Also: I was originally going to post about beating the ARMA II campaign on Veteran, but that seems really fucking stupid now. 
See ya- Cecilio

Evil Dead vs Every Horror Movie Ever

As the greatest horror movie, I think that Evil Dead wins by a mile. It's superb in all aspects. It blends campy humor with edge-of-your-seat horror, and it's just damn good! I mean, seriously! Wow! It's also one of the few series to never suffer from sequelitis, or the rapid degradation of quality through every sequel, *COUGH* *COUGH* Friday the 13th *COUGH* *COUGH*.

The reason I am writing this post, is because of my recent purchase, The Sam Raimi Collection Pack. All Three Spider-Man movies, and All three Evil Deads. I know what I'm going to be doing tonight! I'm gonna be frantically putting my material together for district competition! Hooray for procrastination. 

Long story short, Evil Dead rocks, and fuck Districts. Seriously.- Cecilio

Sickness is Sudden, as is Alliteration.

Woot! I got ill. Not good. I seem to have come down with an extreme cough. Since I am asthmatic, it's understandable, but I've been up coughing and retching all night. It's disgustingly horrible. I hope to feel better. It's four AM as well. Wowwie. -Cecilio

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Queue those whoops! I got tons of plans, and tons of things coming up, many of which are Halloween related, if not all. I have a skating night on Friday, which is not as dumb as it sounds. It's actually pretty badass. The next day I have a costume/birthday party. And then fast-forward to Halloween, I'm going to a subdivision, so I can start scaring small children. Oh, yes, there will be shit in those children's trousers! 

Perhaps I am too excited by making four year-olds cry. I don't think so. Children are annoyances, and I dislike anything that wants more than they already have. "Mommy I want more!" "I'm sorry honey, we just spent over sixteen thousand fucking dollars on you. I can't get you another television. You already have six." "I WANT MOOOOOOOOORE" "FUCKING FINE, SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BASTARD."  I like to think I would be a great parent. My ideal child would be one who would shut up and just do work. Or I'd sell the fucker on EBay. 

Rant aside, I don't actually hate children that much. Just those spoiled pieces of shit who get more than I ever had, and still want some. Kids who respect people older than them are actually not that bad. I also have a soft spot for abused children. Not that I was abused. Oh hell no. I was treated better than the President's kids. It's just I find it sad how people beat their children for doing nothing more than living.

That was quite depressing. I apologize for that, but I felt like I needed to get that off my chest. Whoo! Three posts in a day! Yeah! PRODUCTIVITY IS KICKASS.

Not that I'm being productive. I'm actually supposed to be writing music right now, but I figured I should give more to my negative digit blog fans. So, yeah. Have fun! - Cecilio

Introducing Myself

So, let me introduce myself completely, as I just gave you my name.  My name is (Of course) Cecil, and I am sixteen. Damn, this would be a helluva lot easier to just do it in a MySpace-style format.

Name: Cecilio
Age: 16

Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Likes: Sleeping, Internet Culture, Canada, and Guys. (Both Specifically and In-General)
Dislikes: Rednecks, Mitt Romney and Mac OS

The definitive guide! Enjoy- Cecilio

A Blog? Really?

That's what I asked myself, but I think it would be quite easier for me to get my thoughts on paper and to discuss... shit, I dunno really. For those of you interested in another person's life (Maybe because your life sucks, or something, I dunno.), My name is Cecilio, but my friends usually refer to me as "Cecil" or just "C". I'm sixteen and I live in the wondrous city of Jacksonville! That's in Florida. 

More or less, this blog will be a chronicle of my daily exploits, and things I do with my buds. Taste and actual. So yeah. Be ready for crude language, sarcasm and cynicism! 'Cuz that's what this blog's gonna have. Enjoy mothafuckas. - Cecilio